
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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It is established that aromatization and sweetening of compound feed with different technological methods is a cost-effective method of intensive rearing of pigs at fattening. Use of dry and liquid flavoring Caramel-Vanilla in the dose of 1g/kg DM starch syrup at a dose of 30g/234 ml of water per 1 kg DM is a favorable technique since it provides an increase in slaughter weight of pigs of II and IV experimental groups by 7.1 % and 6.6 % compared to their coevals and increases net profit of pigs in II and IV groups by 102.97 ruble and 60.27 ruble, and also increases the profitability of fattening respectively by 0.6 % and 0.3 % compared to the same indicators of their coevals of I and III groups.

About the Authors

V. S. Linnik
GOU LNR «Luhansk National Agrarian University»
Russian Federation

Y. S. Zubkova
GOU LNR «Luhansk National Agrarian University»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Linnik V.S., Zubkova Y.S. ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF USE OF FLAVORING CARAMEL-VANILLA AND STARCH SYRUP FOR FEEDING PIGS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2016;51(2):12-17. (In Russ.)

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