
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Efficiency of different standards use in dairy cows feeding


The results of research on the efficiency of the dairy cows feeding standardsin the U.S., NRC (2001), British, FIM (2004), Russian (2003) and the new Ukrainian (2009) in single farm conditions. Estimating yields of milkone should note that during the 300 days of the study group I cows gave 5242.8 kg of milk, group II - by 7.4 % more, group III - by 11.4 % and IV - by 14.8 %. It is appropriate to continue the thorough study of the efficiency of different standards using different types of feeding including pastures.

About the Authors

A. T. Tsvigun
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation

I. A. Lyashuk
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation


1. Feed into Milk. A new applied feeding system for dairy cows / Eq. By C. Tomas. - Nottingham University Press, 2004. - 68 p.

2. NRC. Dairy cattle, seventh Revised Edition, 2001. - National Academy Press. - Washington, 2001. - 363 р.

3. Nutritional standards for dairy cattle. Report of the British Society of Animal Science Nutritional Standards Working Croup. - Belgium, 2002. - 42 р.

4. Новітні норми, раціони і технології повноцінної годівлі високопродуктивної великої рогатої худоби: керівництво-посібник / за ред В. М. Кандиби. - Х., 2009. - 1067 с.

5. ARC. The Nutrient Requirements of Ruminants Livestock. Suplement l., C.A.B. - London, 1984. - 88 p.


For citations:

Tsvigun A.T., Lyashuk I.A. Efficiency of different standards use in dairy cows feeding. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2013;48(2):69-74. (In Russ.)

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