
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The influence of genetic and paratypic factors on productivity of progeny from boars of Byelorussian Meaty and Large White breeds


Interbreed differences in response of progeny on genetic and paratypic factors have been revealed. Productive capacities of Byelorussian Meaty pigs except daily gain were more influenced by the effect of year. Genetic factors had larger effect on body length, back-fat thickness and growth rate of Large White pigs.

About the Author

M. A. Shatsky
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shatsky M.A. The influence of genetic and paratypic factors on productivity of progeny from boars of Byelorussian Meaty and Large White breeds. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2003;38:99-101. (In Russ.)

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