
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The productivity of dairy cows at feeding them corn silage and silo made from a mix of paiza and wikis, soya and paiza


Conducted research on the effectiveness of the use of mixes of silos paiza - wika, paiza - soya found a positive effect on the productivity of their cows. As a result, the productivity of animals of group II-treated silage mix paiza + wika, was 24.27 kg of milk per day with a fat content 3,71 % or higher on the benchmark 9,02 %. On the concentration of milk fat analogues experienced group II exceeded the figure of animals I and III, the control group experienced at 0,09-0,1 pp, milk sugar, respectively, by 0,12 and 0,03 percentage points, a protein - by 0,24 and 0,05 percentage points, at a cost of feed and energy, respectively, 0,80 fodder units and 8,53 mJ per 1 kg of milk. The use of a mixture of silage paiza and wika in the production testing positive impact on the economic efficiency of milk production, allowing the profit per cow per year in 1683 rubles.

About the Author

U. V. Istranin
Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Istranin U.V. The productivity of dairy cows at feeding them corn silage and silo made from a mix of paiza and wikis, soya and paiza. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2013;48(1):267-277. (In Russ.)

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