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Level of crude fat in diet and the efficiency of nutrients useby young Simmental breed meat cattle


The results of studies on the efficiency of nutrients use by calves and heifers of Simmental meat breeds at different levels of crude fat in diets are presented. Researches show that for the costs of feed per 1 kg of gain the effective was the use of the normal level of crude fat in the diets for young Simmental meat breeds from weaning to 18-month of age (body weight 190-470 kg). Increased crude fat in diets by 5 % relative to modern norms of feeding was economically viable because the control group animals made more profits at lower costs. However, at the substantial increase in the productivity of animals which received the level of crude fat in commercial diets at the level of the same norms, it was possible to improve the profitability of rearing young meat cattle.

About the Authors

S. N. Blyusyuk
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation

L. G. Lenkov
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation

V. E. Harkavlyuk
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Blyusyuk S.N., Lenkov L.G., Harkavlyuk V.E. Level of crude fat in diet and the efficiency of nutrients useby young Simmental breed meat cattle. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2013;48(1):229-237. (In Russ.)

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