Effect of follicular fluid on the proliferation of somatic cells and bovine embryos obtaining in vitro
About the Authors
I. V. KirillovaRussian Federation
A. I. Gandzha
Russian Federation
L. L. Letkevich
Russian Federation
V. P. Simonenko
Russian Federation
I. I. Koneva
Russian Federation
Y. I. Sheiko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kirillova I.V., Gandzha A.I., Letkevich L.L., Simonenko V.P., Koneva I.I., Sheiko Y.I. Effect of follicular fluid on the proliferation of somatic cells and bovine embryos obtaining in vitro. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2013;48(1):104-110. (In Russ.)