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Shearing and physical and mechanical properties of different gimmers’ wool of genetic group of the North meat-and-wool breeds


The experiments helped to determine that by shearing of greasy wool of thoroughbred gimmers they give way to the local crossbred animal of group II by 2.2 %, and group III gimmers - by 4.3 %, while the difference was unreliable. In washed fiber difference in favor of the local gimmers of II and III groups accounted for, respectively, 4.0-16.0 %. Crossbred gimmers of II and III group by natural length prevailed over the gimmers of control group by 7.5-8.9 %, the benefit of the animals of group II was reliable, and by real length the local crossbred animals of groups II and III significantly prevailed over the gimmers of group I by 5.5 and 8.8 %. The fineness of wool from crossbred animals was mostly 48-50 quality, and peers in the control group - 56-58 quality. The greatest strength of wool fibers was peculiar with the local gimmers of II and III groups, exceeding their purebred contemporaries, respectively, by 2.1 and 6.4 % (P <0.95).

About the Author

O. M. Deresh
Podolski State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Deresh O.M. Shearing and physical and mechanical properties of different gimmers’ wool of genetic group of the North meat-and-wool breeds. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2013;48(1):78-85. (In Russ.)

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