
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The effect of energetic and hormonal additives to the culture media on cattle embryos viability in vitro


The yield of viable embryos increased to 41.4 - 47.4% when bovine serum albumin, oestral serum, fetal serum and FSH had been added to the culture medium.

About the Authors

L. V. Golubets
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

L. L. Letkevitch
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

A. I. Gandja
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

V. P. Simonenko
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Golubets L.V., Letkevitch L.L., Gandja A.I., Simonenko V.P. The effect of energetic and hormonal additives to the culture media on cattle embryos viability in vitro. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2003;38:27-32. (In Russ.)

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