Automated Control System for Breeding work at Pedigree Husbandries
An automated system for managing the selection process at pedigree farms was developed, which allows to effectively manage the herd genetic progress, effectively cope with problems and negative trends at the expense of research-use modules for collecting and storing data,control input and standardization of signs of breeding values, the calculation of selection indices and breeding value of animals, the complex accounting documentation and analysis.Introduction of automated control systems in the process in full volume will increase the efficiency of production and economic activity of enterprise by providing the necessaryinformation support of pedigree service, will accelerate the processing of multiple informationand analysis, will give the possibility to automatically solve the genetic-to-breeding problem, and also serve as a basis for establishing a data bank of pedigree animals with subsequent transfer to an assessment by BLUP method.
About the Authors
N. M. Khramchenko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
R. I. Sheyko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
L. A. Fedorenkova
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
V. N. Zayats
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
E. A. Yanovich
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
I. A. Erahovets
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
I. V. Anihovskaya
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
A. V. Romanenko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Khramchenko N.M.,
Sheyko R.I.,
Fedorenkova L.A.,
Zayats V.N.,
Yanovich E.A.,
Erahovets I.A.,
Anihovskaya I.V.,
Romanenko A.V.
Automated Control System for Breeding work at Pedigree Husbandries. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2011;46(1):199-208.
(In Russ.)
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