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Selection and Genetic Features of the Formation of Natural Resistance in Cows of Carpathian Inbreed Type of Ukrainian Red-motley Milk Breed


The results of studies on the characteristics of natural resistance of cows of different selection groups of Carpathian inbreed type of Ukrainian red-motley breed are presented in the article. It was determined that the estimated group of animals characterized by relatively high levels of protective functions and adapt to the modern technological environment, and also hadgood opportunities for further effective breeding. Positive correlation of indicators of natural resistance with a yield and fat content in milk was determined. In animals with inheritance of Holstein breed of 75-87,5 % natural resistance value was higher compared with the 1/2- and 5/8-blood. Also cows of Rigel and Kevelie lines had high values - 58 scores, and low line Astronaut - 53 scores.

About the Author

A. I. Lubinsky
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Lubinsky A.I. Selection and Genetic Features of the Formation of Natural Resistance in Cows of Carpathian Inbreed Type of Ukrainian Red-motley Milk Breed. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2011;46(1):160-163. (In Russ.)

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