
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Rational Usage of Water Pastures and Dry Natural Pastures Polluted with137Cs for Horses


Differences in levels of137Cs content in muscles of horses while pasturing at water and dry natural pastures with different level of grass pollution with137Cs are determined.

About the Authors

I. V. Yanotchkin
RUERD "Institute of Radiology"
Russian Federation

A. A. Tsarenok
RUERD "Institute of Radiology"
Russian Federation

S. A. Isatchenko
RUERD "Institute of Radiology"
Russian Federation

S. N. Andrush
RUERD "Institute of Radiology"
Russian Federation


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3. Ильязов, Р. Г. Радиоэкологические аспекты животноводства (последствия и контрмеры после катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС) / Р. Г. Ильязов, Р. М. Алексахин, Н. А. Корнеев. - Гомель : Полеспечать, 1996. - 179 с.

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For citations:

Yanotchkin I.V., Tsarenok A.A., Isatchenko S.A., Andrush S.N. Rational Usage of Water Pastures and Dry Natural Pastures Polluted with137Cs for Horses. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(2):248-251. (In Russ.)

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