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Usage of Wet Forage Mixes in Diets for Calves


In the research process the technological scheme for experimental equipment set, new content and preparation method of WMS that correspond to natural milk on the content and zootechnical value was developed. WMS differ by more rational consumption of forage resources; they are prepared in accordance to energy-saving technology and are substitutes for imported products. Their usage for calves feeding compared to foreign analogues like “Micromel Extra” and “Calvolac” promote increase of average daily weight gain of calves only at 1,0% (806,7 vs. 816,7 g) and forage spends decrease at 1,2% (3,40 vs. 3,36 forage units). But the cost of self produced WMS compared to the imported analogues is 45% lower, and 1 kg of live weight gain cost is as well 1,3 - 1,5 times lower. Technological regulations on WMS production and recommendations on its usage in calves feeding at animal husbandries and complexes are developed.

About the Author

S. N. Piluk
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Piluk S.N. Usage of Wet Forage Mixes in Diets for Calves. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(2):154-164. (In Russ.)

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