
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Quality Rating of Cows Milk in Northeast Zone of Mogil’ov Region


Results of cow milk researches based on demands of Belarusian standards on general values of quality are given in the article. It is determined that average fat content in milk is on high level and makes 4,12% that exceeds the basal norm at 0,72%; the average protein content in the tested milk makes 3,34% that is 0,34% higher than that of the basal norm. Freezing point of the tested milk makes -0,54 ºС that is lower than maximum allowable standard of 0,02 ºС. The average content of somatic cells in milk makes 604,7 thousand/cm3 that exceeds demands of standard applicable to “extra quality” products and superior quality products at 304,7 and 104,7 thousand/cm3 correspondingly and lies in limit frames of demands to first class milk. By the way 52,19% of samples were taken from healthy cows because the content of somatic cells was less than 300 thousand/cm3.

About the Author

A. I. Portnoy
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Portnoy A.I. Quality Rating of Cows Milk in Northeast Zone of Mogil’ov Region. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(1):259-266. (In Russ.)

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