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Usage of RYR1 and H-FABP Genes for Increase of Pigs Meat Productivity


DNA-testing of young animals of Belarusian meat breed on fattening on RYR1 and H-FABP genes (allele systems H and D) was carried out and correlation of complex genotypes and allele variants of the given genes with meat productivity of animals was studied. It is determined that animals free from mutation in RYR1 gene differed by longer carcasses (98,9 cm, Р<0,01) and thin backfat (25,2 mm). But at following optimal norms of feeing and management that decreases stress pressure, there was no negative effect of mutation at meat productivity values. Definite positive effect of H-FABPHH and H-FABPdd genotypes at several traits of meat productivity of pigs is determined. It promoted decrease of backfat thickness at 10,1-13,6 %, increase of eye loin area at 11,6-13,5 %, back one-third of carcass weigh - at 4,5-8,3 %. It is determined that animals of complex RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd and RYR1NnH-FABPHhDd genotypes surpassed young animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype on carcass length at 0,8 % (P<0,05) and 1,0 % (P<0,05) correspondingly. The best values of back one-third of carcass and eye loin area had animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype that surpassed animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHhDd genotype on these traits at 3,6 % (P <0,01), RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd genotype - at 17,9% (Р<0,001) correspondingly.

About the Authors

T. I. Epishko
Polessky State University
Russian Federation

N. V. Zhurina
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation

M. A. Koval’Tchuk
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Epishko T.I., Zhurina N.V., Koval’Tchuk M.A. Usage of RYR1 and H-FABP Genes for Increase of Pigs Meat Productivity. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(1):95-104. (In Russ.)

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