Usage of Marker Genes in Belarusian Meat Breed of Pigs Selection for Reproductive Traits Growth
The aim of the research is development of methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes application in selection of Belarusian meat breed of pigs for sows’ reproductive traits and reproductive potential of boars growth. That is the first time in the Republic when PCR-RFLP analysis methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes are adapted to the demands of mass application and their polymorphism within pigs of Belarusian meat breed is studied. On the basis of the determined regularities and tendencies of correlation of polymorphic variants of PRLR and FSHβ genes with reproductive traits of the animals’ genetic markers for pigs selection on reproductive traits were offered. Usage of these markers in selection will let us carry out DNA-testing of pedigree animals and replacement young animals in early age with no dependence on gender and increase sows’ multiple pregnancy at 14% and reproductive traits of boars - at 12% on average. It is recommended to use boars and sows of PRLRAA and FSHβBB genotypes that are characterized by better reproductive traits. The research data can be used in pedigree pig breeding of the Republic.
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For citations:
Epishko O.A. Usage of Marker Genes in Belarusian Meat Breed of Pigs Selection for Reproductive Traits Growth. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(1):90-95. (In Russ.)