
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Selection-genetic Parameters of Selection Traits of Riding Horses in Belarus


113 mares of Trakenen breeds (3 husbandries) and 46 mares of Hanover breeds (2 husbandries) were selected in pedigree groups and surpassed the special standards on all the traits. Ratios of diversity, hereditability, ranging phonotypical correlation, typical nature estimates, ranging and exterior are estimated. Tendency of positive correlations between separate ranging of mares and estimation results in scores is determined. It stipulates the possibility of selection on complex of traits.

For citations:

Gorbukov M.A., German U.I., Daylidyonok V.N., Chavlytko V.I., German A.I. Selection-genetic Parameters of Selection Traits of Riding Horses in Belarus. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(1):50-58. (In Russ.)

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