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Effectiveness of Estrous Serum Usage in Culture Systems In vitro


A higher efficiency of bovine estrous serum usage in culture systems compared to fetal was determined. The cleavage level was increased at 1,2-14,9% depending on its concentration, blastocysts outcome - at 1,6-6,0%. The perfect time frame of serum concentration increase in the nutrient medium after fertilization was determined to be 96 hours. Usage of bovine serum as hormonal and energy substance in the period of hormonal treatment definitely (Р<0,001) decreases efficiency of in vitro embryo production.

About the Authors

L. V. Golubets
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

M. P. Starovojtova
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

A. E. Otroshchenko
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Golubets L.V., Starovojtova M.P., Otroshchenko A.E. Effectiveness of Estrous Serum Usage in Culture Systems In vitro. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2009;44(1):37-44. (In Russ.)

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