
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Influence of Feeding Cattle with Cereal Silage with Preservatives «Axphast Gold» and “Biotroph”


Usage of microbe-ferment preparation «Axphast Gold» for cereal silage storage let us get a forage with high (70%) concentration of milk acid. Feeding with the silage influenced positively at digestibility of forages and it let us get the digestibility coefficient on the level of 59-80% or at 0,58-2,84% higher than digestibility indexes of the control silage prepared without preservatives and was on the level of “Biotroph” silage. Usage of “Biotal” preservative influences positively at usage of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. Also increase of volatile fatty acids was noticed in rumen of young cattle that was fed with silage preserved with «Axphast Gold» - it points on more effective usage of forage.

About the Author

V. P. Tsay
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tsay V.P. Influence of Feeding Cattle with Cereal Silage with Preservatives «Axphast Gold» and “Biotroph”. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(2):323-329. (In Russ.)

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