
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Digestibility and Assimilability of Nutrients of Diets for Pedigree Calves with Complex Vitamin Supplement in Winter Period


The researches show that implementation of mineral-vitamin supplement in diets of replacement calves influences positively at growth intensity. The results of researches of metabolism showed that the most effective supplement was MVS № 2. Its implementation in diets promoted better assimilability of nitrogen - at 6,9%, calcium - at 1,5%, phosphorus - at 3,2 of experimental group calves compared to control group.

About the Author

A. A. Nevar
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Nevar A.A. Digestibility and Assimilability of Nutrients of Diets for Pedigree Calves with Complex Vitamin Supplement in Winter Period. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(2):181-186. (In Russ.)

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