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Carnitine Usage in Diets for Young Piglets at Fattening


Implementation of L-carnitine in diets of animals let them use the received with forage energy more effectively. 50 g of L-carnitine per 1 ton of mixed forage(II experimental group) and soy oil (4%) in a diet of pigs at fattening promotes increase of daily live weight gain at 3,6% (Р< 0,05), growth of meat content in carcass at 5,8% loin growth at 11,4% compared to the animals of control group. There are no definite differences on chemical composition of the longest muscle of back, fat and liver at carnitine usage stated. Studying the chemical meat composition of young pigs of the II experimental group it was stated that it differed by the lowest content of moisture (72,97%) and by the highest content of muscle fat (6,16%) that points at better mellowness and delicacy of such pork.

About the Author

N. L. Mukhaeva
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Mukhaeva N.L. Carnitine Usage in Diets for Young Piglets at Fattening. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(2):155-162. (In Russ.)

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