
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Environment Ecology at Beef Production Complexes


It is determined that influence of the level of ecologic pressure of complexes for young cattle growing and fattening on environment depends on their productive power, space-and-planning and technologic solution, ventilation systems, feeding, manure removal and utilization, nature-conservative measures and other factors. One of the major factors of ecologic pressure of complexes is hygiene and sanitary condition of facilities, territory and ventilation system effectiveness.

About the Authors

N. N. Shmatko
beef production, microclimate, ventilation, air change, bacterial pollution
Russian Federation

A. A. Skakun
beef production, microclimate, ventilation, air change, bacterial pollution
Russian Federation

Z. M. Nagornaya
beef production, microclimate, ventilation, air change, bacterial pollution
Russian Federation

D. V. Gurina
beef production, microclimate, ventilation, air change, bacterial pollution
Russian Federation


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2. Соколов, Г. А. Аэростазы животноводческих помещений : моногр. / Д. Г. Готовский, Г. А. Соколов. - Витебск : УО «ВГАВМ», 2004. - 100 с.

3. Бородин, И. Ф. Энергосберегающие технологии формирования оптимального микроклимата в животноводческих помещениях / И. Ф. Бородин, С. П. Рудобашта, В. А. Самарин // Технологическое и техническое обеспечение производства продуктов животноводства : науч. тр. ВИМ. Т. 142, ч. 2. - М. : ВИМ, 2002. - С. 113-115.


For citations:

Shmatko N.N., Skakun A.A., Nagornaya Z.M., Gurina D.V. Environment Ecology at Beef Production Complexes. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:493-498. (In Russ.)

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