
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Reserves of Beef Production Profitability


It is stated that preparation of high-energy mixed forages for young cattle of first period with the help of mobile machine “Triolet” and for second period animals with the help of microforagetools and dispensers PMM-5 and KP-F-10, let us decrease energy spends for production and dispensing of forages at 43,7%. Production of self-produced mixed forages at mobile machines “Mercedes” and “Mann” lets us save energy sources and decrease forage cost. Prime cost of one forage unit was 241,9 roubles. Reconstruction of rooms and equipment modernization lets decrease energy spends by 2006 2,34 times, GSM - at 1,8 times. Energy spends for 1 c of daily growth were 36,7 kilowatt/h, GSM - 2,5 liters. Study of growth character and animal meat productiveness, as well as effectiveness of beef productiveness let us consider that nowadays in conditions of industrial complexes fattening of Black-motley breed bulls is appropriate to do up to 510-515 kg body weight (after starvation period). As a result at one and the same herd we can get more beef, as well as we can completely use the genetic potential, the profit growth and beef production profitability level makes up to 27,6%.

About the Author

A. A. Skakun
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Skakun A.A. Reserves of Beef Production Profitability. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:462-468. (In Russ.)

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