
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Effect of Feeding Methods with Different Milk Forages at Growth and Behavior of Calves


Researches on young cattle determined that usage of automotive setting let us feed with milk forages appropriate to biological peculiarities of calves and promote their better assimilation. The average daily growth of calves that eat milk forages with the help of setting УАВТ-60 was higher than that of control group at 55 kg or 7,6% and relative growth was higher at 4,6%. Forage spends for 1 kg of live weight growth of analogs of control and experimental group were 4,2 forage units. It was proved that automotive batching of milk forages had a positive influence at growth and behavior of calves. Using of these automotive settings created calm and comfort conditions, let organize technologic process taking into account age ethologic and physiologic traits of animals.

About the Author

V. N. Minakov
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Minakov V.N. Effect of Feeding Methods with Different Milk Forages at Growth and Behavior of Calves. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:450-457. (In Russ.)

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