
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Tolerable Parameters of Pastures Pollution with137Cs and90Sr and Coefficients of Radionucleids Transition from Legumes into Cow Milk


90Sr transition ratio from diet based on green mass of Lucerne and foxtail clover into milk of cattle is equal to 0.14 and 0.18% correspondingly.137Cs transition ratio from diet based on green mass of Lucerne and foxtail clover into milk of cattle is equal to 0.63 and 0.78% correspondingly. To get a pure milk, the usage of Lucerne green mass with the purpose of mono-forage in summer diets of lactating cows is possible if it is cultivated on territories with radiation pollution density90Sr up to 5.55 kBk/m2 (0.15 K/km2) and137Cs - 925 kBk/m2 (25 K/km2). What concerns foxtail clover, the limit of radiation pollution density of forage grounds is 3.7 kBk/m2 (0.1 K/km2) for90Sr and 925 kBk/m2 (25 K/km2) for137Cs.

About the Authors

A. A. Tsarenok
Research Institute of Radiology
Russian Federation

I. V. Yanochkin
Research Institute of Radiology
Russian Federation

R. A. Nenashev
Research Institute of Radiology
Russian Federation

S. A. Kalinichenko
Research Institute of Radiology
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tsarenok A.A., Yanochkin I.V., Nenashev R.A., Kalinichenko S.A. Tolerable Parameters of Pastures Pollution with137Cs and90Sr and Coefficients of Radionucleids Transition from Legumes into Cow Milk. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:416-423. (In Russ.)

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