
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Maize Silage with Microbe-ferment Preparation “GoldStoreMaize” in Diets for Cows


The researches at lactating cows stated that usage in feeding of maize silage prepared with microbe-ferment preparation “GoldStoreMaize” let us get 24,8 kg of milk from one cow or 1,6 kg higher than control index with forage spends of 0,93 forage units for 1 kg of milk, that is 0,04 forage units lower. Feeding lactating cows with silage with microbe-ferment preparation of Biotal firm let us decrease prime cost of milk at 7,3% and get extra 153 thousand rubles per one cow during stabling period.

About the Author

V. P. Tsai
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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2. Боярский, Л. Г. Технология приготовления силоса / Л. Г. Боярский. - М. : Агропромиздат, 1988. - 285 с.

3. Рекомендации по силосованию зеленых кормов с использованием закваски молочнокислых бактерий / сост. : Н. В. Колесников, Т. Ф. Ерофеева ; Отд. ВАСХНИЛ по Нечерноземной зоне РСФСР, Ярославский НИИ животноводства и кормопроизводства. - Ярославль, 1982. - 10 с.

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For citations:

Tsai V.P. Maize Silage with Microbe-ferment Preparation “GoldStoreMaize” in Diets for Cows. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:402-408. (In Russ.)

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