Effect of ESR-gene at Productiveness of Sows of Belarusian Meet and Big White Breeds
About the Authors
I. P. SheykoRussian Federation
N. V. Zhurina
Russian Federation
T. I. Epishko
Russian Federation
O. P. Kurak
Russian Federation
M. A. Koval’Tchuk
Russian Federation
O. A. Epishko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Sheyko I.P., Zhurina N.V., Epishko T.I., Kurak O.P., Koval’Tchuk M.A., Epishko O.A. Effect of ESR-gene at Productiveness of Sows of Belarusian Meet and Big White Breeds. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:159-165. (In Russ.)