
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Peculiarities of Belarusian Meat Breed Sows Reproductive Traits Formation at Generations


It is determined that sows of Belarusian Meat Breed at pedigree farms of “Zarechye” and “Budagovo” at different breeding methods usage - linear and cross lines, had no definite differences on reproductive traits. On average at all farrows at all generations index of sows multiple pregnancies corresponds to purposeful standard demands (10-11 piglets per one farrowing). The main group had a higher level of sows productiveness index: multiple pregnancy, milkiness, quantity of piglets and litter weight at weanling on 35th day and 2 months counted 11,04-11,99 piglets; 52,26-60,96 kg; 9,60-10,38 piglets; 86,3-104,1 kg and 153,4-192,0 kg. Considerable differences of milkiness and weanling litter weight on generations show misbalance between potential of genotypes and their habitat.

About the Author

L. A. Fedorenkova
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Fedorenkova L.A. Peculiarities of Belarusian Meat Breed Sows Reproductive Traits Formation at Generations. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:146-152. (In Russ.)

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