
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Optimization of Lactating Period Duration and Its Influence at Fertilization of Belarusian Breeds of Sows


Researches at gross commodity production determined that with full-value feeding of sows the optimal period of lactation can make up 35-45 days, the allowable limit - 26 days. With mixed forages deficiency such as CK-11, CK-16 and CK-21 piglets should be weaned on 45-56th day, allowable limit is 35 days. Interbreed differences of sows’ fertilization rate were determined. Sows of Belarusian Meat Breed has the best fertilization rate (79,8% for the first farrowing and 80,7% for two and more farrowings). One-farrowing sows of Duroc Breed has the worst fertilization rate (74,1%; P<0,001). There is a specific difference on breeds between one-farrowing sows and multi-farrowing once; Big White Breed - tendency to fertilization rate decrease within sows’ age growth (at 2,4 percentage units), Belarusian Meat Breed - tendency to increase (at 0,9 percentage units), Duroc Breed - growth of multi-farrowing sows’ fertilization rates (at 7,8 percentage units) - in September. What concerns seasons, the differences depending on seasons are inauthentic.

About the Author

N. V. Podskryobkin
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture
Russian Federation


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2. Шейко, И. П. Свиноводство / И. П. Шейко, В. С. Смирнов. - Мн. : Новое знание, 2005. - 345 с.

3. Бекенев, В. А. Селекция свиней / В. А. Бекенев. - Новосибирск, 1997. - 184 с.

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For citations:

Podskryobkin N.V. Optimization of Lactating Period Duration and Its Influence at Fertilization of Belarusian Breeds of Sows. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:116-122. (In Russ.)

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