
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Influence of Yorkshire Breed Boars at Productiveness of Big White Breed of Pigs


One of the methods of further Big White Breed improvements is “blood rush” of Yorkshire Breed. This method let us raise multiple farrowing of sows at 8,3-9,9%, cut the period of reaching live weight of 100 kg at 5,2-9,5 days (P<0,01), raise the body length at 3,2-4,6 cm (P<0,01). Double “blood rush” of Yorkshire Breed and back crossing does not have any significant influence at further sows’ reproduction traits growth and replacement young cattle traits, but it influences the growth of fattening and meat characteristics of animals.

About the Author

N. V. Podskryobkin
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Podskryobkin N.V. Influence of Yorkshire Breed Boars at Productiveness of Big White Breed of Pigs. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:110-116. (In Russ.)

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