
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Growth and Development of Replacement Heifers of Different Lines at Farms with Different Feeding Levels


Some researches of different inside-breeds types heifers growth and development were conducted at farms of Volkovysk region. It is stated that with no dependence on feeding levels heifers of Holstein lines differ from Black-Motley by higher live weight at birth and this tendency is saved till 12-month age at high feeding level and till 9-month age at middle feeding levels. Intensive growth with gradually decreasing live weight growth let us get perfectly developed heifers of Holstein and Black-Motley lines. By 18-month age they reach 417-418 kg live weight. It is determined that animals of Holstein lines at all farms had longer legs and body that is typical of milk cattle. Animals of Black-Motley lines had higher blockiness index that is typical of meat-milk cattle.

About the Author

A. A. Doroshko
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Doroshko A.A. Growth and Development of Replacement Heifers of Different Lines at Farms with Different Feeding Levels. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2007;42:48-57. (In Russ.)

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