
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The influence of corn silage with a preservative on cows productivity


Using a preservative in a corn silage storage increased a content of feed units by 0,03, CP - by 46,8, Ca - by 25,6, P - by 44,6, Cu - by 44,5, Zn - by 52,8, Mn - by 31,6 % when compared to controls. Feeding lactating cows of corn silage with a preservative resulted in increasing of milk yield by 12 % per cow. Feed expenses were by 7,5 % lower than of controls.

About the Authors

V. F. Radtchikov
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

E. P. Simonenko
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

S. N. Piliuk
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Radtchikov V.F., Simonenko E.P., Piliuk S.N. The influence of corn silage with a preservative on cows productivity. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2005;40:246-250. (In Russ.)

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