
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Biological active preparations based on peat in the rations of young cattle


Feeding young cattle of mixed peed supplemented of “Oxigumat”, “Gidrogumat”, “Oxidat” BAPs resulted in improving of rumen fermentation, metabolism and nutrient digestibility, and in lower feed expenses in production.

About the Authors

V. P. Panova
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

G. V. Naumova
SSI "Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology"
Russian Federation

N. L. Makarova
SSI "Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology"
Russian Federation

T. F. Ovtchinnikova
SSI "Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology"
Russian Federation

N. A. Zhmakova
SSI "Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology"
Russian Federation


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2. Проявление цитокининовой и гиббереллиновой активности регуляторами роста гуминовой природы / Г. В. Наумова [и др.] // Природопользование. - 1997. - Вып. 2. - С. 7-9.

3. Ресурсосберегающие технологии получения экологобезопасных биологически активных препаратов на основе торфа и эффективность их применения в сельском хозяйстве / Г. В. Наумова [и др.] // Природные ресурсы. - 1996. - № 1. - С. 101-105.


For citations:

Panova V.P., Naumova G.V., Makarova N.L., Ovtchinnikova T.F., Zhmakova N.A. Biological active preparations based on peat in the rations of young cattle. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2005;40:222-229. (In Russ.)

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