
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The influence of «RonozymeTM WX» and «RoxazymeÒ G2 Granular» preparation on pigs nutrient digestibility


The results of our experiment showed that «RonozymeTM WX» is the most efficient mean of improvement of nutrient digestibility in finishing pigs rations. The indices of organic substances digestibility increased by 1,7%, protein - by 2,2 %, fiber - by 3,1 % (P<0,05), as well as metabolized energy by 3,9 %, when compared to control ones.

About the Authors

V. M. Golushko
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

S. A. Linkevitch
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

V. A. Roshchin
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

E. F. Shevtsova
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

V. F. Yankovitch
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

E. G. Fadeev
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Golushko V.M., Linkevitch S.A., Roshchin V.A., Shevtsova E.F., Yankovitch V.F., Fadeev E.G. The influence of «RonozymeTM WX» and «RoxazymeÒ G2 Granular» preparation on pigs nutrient digestibility. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2005;40:153-157. (In Russ.)

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