
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Selecting genetic parameters of productivity indices of inbred sheep


Our investigation showed that sheep of close and moderate relations had better inherent coefficients of wool productivity than outbred ones. Inbreeding had no influence on changing genetic correlation indices and frequency of productive performance of sheep.

About the Author

E. I. Barieva
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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3. Кущенко, П. Т. Рост и шерстная продуктивность инбредных овец / П. Т. Кущенко // Тр. ВНИИОК. - М., 1976. - Вып. 13. - С. 14-21.

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For citations:

Barieva E.I. Selecting genetic parameters of productivity indices of inbred sheep. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2005;40:17-20. (In Russ.)

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