
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Complete, balanced on the content of energy, organic, mineral and biologically active substances feeding dry cows and heifers promotes their high productivity and longevity of their use. Minerals and vitamins help to avoid metabolic disorders in cows, stimulate the immune system of animals, and also, entering the body of animals, pass into milk, thereby influencing its composition and quality. However, there is of- ten a lack of them even in good-quality feed, which can be compensated by the use of feed additives. This paper contains the results of scientific work aimed to establish the dynamics of milk productivity of cows when using “Megachance-I” and “Megachance-II” feed additives in the diets of the 1st and 2nd phases of dry period. The research has shown that their use in feeding cows during the dry period allows to increase productivity in the following lactation by 5,2-5,5 % and to increase a mass fraction of fat by 0,24-0,25 p.p., a mass fraction of protein by 0,08-0,09 p.p., a mass fraction of lactose by 0,30-0,36 p.p. and to lower a content of somatic cells in milk by 17,5-29,2 %.

About the Authors

M. M. Karpenia
The Vitebsk State Academy for Veterinary Medicine

V. V. Guyvan
The Vitebsk State Academy for Veterinary Medicine


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For citations:

Karpenia M.M., Guyvan V.V. MILK PRODUCTIVITY OF COWS WHEN USING “MEGACHANCE-I” AND “MEGACHANCE-II” FEED ADDITIVES IN THE DRY PERIOD. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2023;58(1):212-219. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)