The study of genetic polymorphism of various breeds of farm animals is an important area of modern population genetics. Microsatellites are easy-to-analyze genetic markers in the genome of animals; however, their use in the practice of pig breeding requires a wide range of studies aimed at assessing their applied significance. In this connection, we studied the genealogical structure of Landrace pigs bred at the agricultural branch “SGC “Zadneprovsky” of JSC “Orsha bread products company” based on DNA-MS analysis. When analyzing the intrabreed genealogical structure of the studied animals, it was found that pigs of the Zamka and Zaliv lines were distinguished by the greatest genetic similarity with animals of other lines. The cluster structure of Landrace pigs, based on the results of microsatellite DNA analysis, is completely consistent with the data on the origin of pigs.
About the Authors
I. P. SheikoBelarus
E. A. Yanovich
T. N. Timoshenko
N. V. Pristupa
I. V. Anikhovskaya
A. C. A.C. Burnos
E. S. E.S. Sreda
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For citations:
Sheiko I.P., Yanovich E.A., Timoshenko T.N., Pristupa N.V., Anikhovskaya I.V., A.C. Burnos A.C., E.S. Sreda E.S. GENEALOGICAL STRUCTURE OF LANDRACE PIGS BASED ON DNA-MS ANALYSIS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2023;58(1):130-135. (In Russ.)