About the Authors
A. I. KozinetsRussian Federation
M. S. Grin
Russian Federation
Т. G. Kozinets
Russian Federation
O. G. Golushko
Russian Federation
M. A. Nadarinskaya
Russian Federation
A. V. Solovyev
Russian Federation
S. А. Gonakova
Russian Federation
L. A. Shvab
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kozinets A.I., Grin M.S., Kozinets Т.G., Golushko O.G., Nadarinskaya M.A., Solovyev A.V., Gonakova S.А., Shvab L.A. FEED ADDITIVE “LACTUMIN” IN DIETS FOR LACTING COWS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2020;55(1):351-359. (In Russ.)