
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The paper studied correlation of reproductive traits of French and Danish sows with the season of the year during which sow was farrowing, and effect of the sow genotype and seasonal factors on growth of suckling piglets. It was determined that reproductive traits of sows were best among pigs of Danish origin in terms of total number of piglets at birth, multiple pregnancy rate, litter weight at birth, number of piglets and litter weight at weaning compared to animals of French origin. At the same time, sows of French origin exceeded their Danish coevals in such indicators as heavy litter, safety and weight of one piglet at weaning. Evaluation index for a limited number of parameters for comprehensive assessment of reproductive traits showed 16.23% advantage of these indicators in sows of Danish origin compared with animals of French origin. The breeding index of sows’ reproductive traits also indicated that under industrial conditions, the best in terms of complex of traits were Danish pigs, with the index 14.19% higher compared to French pigs. The growth rate of suckling piglets under conditions of an industrial complex was variable during the study period in both groups and varied between the average annual maximums and average annual minimums depending on the current season, increasing in the winter-spring and decreasing in the summer-autumn months. The best growth intensity was shown by French pigs. Variability dynamics of parameters of absolute, daily average and relative weight gain had both smaller amplitude of fluctuations in piglets of French origin under the effect of changes in seasonal environmental parameters, and also superior values compared to pigs of Danish origin were determined. Therefore, the growth rate of piglets of French and Danish origin depends on the genetic affiliation of animals and seasonal factors. The time of the year had a great impact on the growth of piglets during the study period - within the range of 32.63 to 34.95%. At the same time, the genotype had effect on variability of this indicator by 18.23-18.68%, and correlation of these factors - by 7.57-9.01%.

About the Authors

А. G. Mykhalko
Sumy National Agrarian University
Russian Federation

N. G. Povod
Sumy National Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Mykhalko А.G., Povod N.G. PIGLETS GROWTH INTENSITY AND SEASONAL PERFORMANCE OF FRENCH AND DANISH SOWS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2020;55(1):156-171. (In Russ.)

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