
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The aim of the research was to study the intensity of metabolism in calves during lactating period at various doses of prebiotic lactulose introduced into diet. It has been determined that feeding calves with 6 g of lactulose per animal per day increases the digestibility of dry and organic matter by 2.6 and 2.5 percentage points, crude protein by 3.0 percentage points, raw fat by 1.0 percentage points, BEV - by 2.7 percentage points and crude fiber - by 16.5 percentage points, and also contributes to a significant increase in nitrogen consumption with diet feeds by 4.8% and its deposition in the body. When 6 g of lactulose was included in the diet for calves per animal per day, the deposition of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the body increases, based on the total amount of minerals consumed by 2.7 p.p., 7.5 and 2.8 p.p.

About the Authors

M. S. Grin
RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

A. I. Kozinets
RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Grin M.S., Kozinets A.I. EFFECT OF LACTULOSE ON DIGESTIBILITY AND INTAKE OF NUTRIENTS BY YOUNG CATTLE. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2018;53(1):236-244. (In Russ.)

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