
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Comparative efficiency of different premixes for finishing steers


PRP-2 premix was found to be as efficient as Kostovit Forte for finishing steers. They ensured average daily gains at the level of 1025-1035g at feed expenses of 9 с F.U./1 с of weight gain. But economic efficiency of Kostovit Forte was 36% lower regarding to its cost.

About the Author

G. N. Radchikova
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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2. Панова В. А., Яцко Н. А., Яцкевич А. П. Кормовые добавки в рационах молодняка крупного рогатого скота // Зоотехническая наука Беларуси. Сб. науч. тр. / БелНИИЖ. Т. 31. - Мн.: Ураджай, 1990. - С. 58-62.

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For citations:

Radchikova G.N. Comparative efficiency of different premixes for finishing steers. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2003;38:271-277. (In Russ.)

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