
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Feeding high-performance cows with premixes with Tripoli of «Stalnoye» deposit in Mogilev region as a filler in the amount of 70 and 100 % of the filler weight in compound feeds had a positive effect on morphological and biochemical composition of blood, as evidenced by a 6 % increase in hemoglobin, protein - 2.7 %, glucose - 1.8 % in the II group, and 7.7 % in hemoglobin in the III group, as well as mineral composition: the amount of calcium increased by 2.6 %, phosphorus - by 4.7 %, potassium - by 2.6 %, sodium - by 8.7 %, zinc - by 1.1 %, copper - by 16.6 %.

About the Authors

A. I. Kozinets
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

O. G. Golushko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

M. A. Nadarinskaya
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

С. Gonakova
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

M. S. Grin’
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation

N. V. Larionova
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kozinets A.I., Golushko O.G., Nadarinskaya M.A., Gonakova , Grin’ M.S., Larionova N.V. HEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE COWS WHEN REPLACING WHEAT MIDDLING IN PREMIX WITH TRIPOLI OF «STALNOYE» DEPOSIT. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2017;52(1):227-239. (In Russ.)

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