
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Влияние направленной селекции на улучшение продуктивных признаков различных пород свиней в Республике Беларусь


It was determined that aimed breeding in pig production in a number of generations according to reproductive traits and supporting selection (stabilizing selection) for improvement of fattening and meat traits allowed to improve them from generation to generation in a short period of time.

About the Authors

I. P. Sheyko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

R. I. Sheyko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

N. A. Loban
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

N. V. Pristupa
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

E. A. Yanovich
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

T. N. Timoshenko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

V. N. Zayats
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

E. I. Sheyko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation

I. F. Gridyushko
RUE «Scientific and practical center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus for Animal husbandry»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Sheyko I.P., Sheyko R.I., Loban N.A., Pristupa N.V., Yanovich E.A., Timoshenko T.N., Zayats V.N., Sheyko E.I., Gridyushko I.F. . Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2017;52(1):147-152. (In Russ.)

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