
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The influence of supplemented whey on digestibility and availability of nutrients by calves


The results of our investigation showed that diets supplemented with condensed hydrolyzed whey (CHW) (4g/kg LW) and condensed fermented whey (CFW) (8g/kg LW) enfavoured the digestibility of nutrients: DM, OM, crude fiber and non-nitrogenous substances digestibility was 2, 2.7 - 4.4, 2.2%, respectively, higher than in control group. The level of red blood cells and haemoglobin in calves on a diet with CHW was 7.6 and 4.8% higher.

About the Author

A. N. Kot
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kot A.N. The influence of supplemented whey on digestibility and availability of nutrients by calves. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2003;38:214-218. (In Russ.)

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