
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Pool of free amino acids in blood of pigs receiving gm-soy


It was found that when administered in the diet of pigs 5 % GM soy (RR, GTS 40.3.2) and the ratio of the free pool of blood amino acids in pigs have not changed significantly. At the same time there was a significant impact of GM soy on blood pool of free amino acids boars - namely, the reduction of the total content of free amino acids with 310,43 ± 14,960 micromoles to 173,74 ± 2,216 mmol (p <0.004) and the number of replaceable with 214, 92 ± 7,175 micromoles to 124 ± 93 2,615 mmol (p <0.0003) and essential amino acids with 95,51 ± 7,785 micromoles to 48,80 ± 0,399 mmol (p <0.0008). What may indicate a greater sensitivity of male organism to action of environmental factors in comparison with the female.

About the Author

S. G. Zinov’Ev
Institute for Pig Breeding and Agrarian Industrial Production of the NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zinov’Ev S.G. Pool of free amino acids in blood of pigs receiving gm-soy. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2016;51(1):294-300. (In Russ.)

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