
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The influence of rape oil on the concentration of toxicants in milk


Feeding diets supplemented with 40 ml/day of rape oil led to a reduction of cadmium concentration in cows milk in winter housing period by 9.1%, that of cadmium, lead and nitrates at the beginning of pasturing by 16.7, 5.8 and 11%, respectively. The concentration of cadmium and nitrates at the end of pasturing lowered by 7.7 and 5.8%. As for radioactive cesium, its concentration in milk of stall housed cows in winter was lower by 6.8% when compared to milk of control cows; at the beginning and at the end of pasturing period it was 6.6 and 25.5% lower.

About the Authors

A. V. Kvetkovskaya
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

O. G. Golushko
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

V. N. Zayats
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

S. A. Rukol’
RUE «Institute of Animal husbandry of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kvetkovskaya A.V., Golushko O.G., Zayats V.N., Rukol’ S.A. The influence of rape oil on the concentration of toxicants in milk. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2003;38:199-203. (In Russ.)

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