
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The analysis of the development of dairy cattle breeding industry and volume of production was carried out. Priorities of development of the industry were determined, requiring urgent government support, revision of the existing government programs and the implementation mechanisms. The main provisions of strategic priorities for the development of dairy farming in Ukraine are presented as well as ways to achieve the goals represented in units. Conceptual requirements for ensuring growth of production efficiency and increase of competitiveness of the industry are formed. The obtained materials reveal mechanisms for achieving the expected results, which will ultimately contribute to the growth of the number of livestock animals, increase of performance, improvement of product quality and safety for the consumer. Expected result -creation of technological conditions for increasing efficiency, competitiveness and investment attractiveness of dairy farming industry, improving social conditions of village.

About the Author

V. A. Marchenko
Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation


1. Тваринництво України : [статистичний збірник] / [за ред. Н. С. Власенко]. - К. : Державна служба статистики України, 2014. - 212 с.

2. Сільське господарство України : [статистичний збірник] / [за ред. Н. С. Власенко]. - К. : Державна служба статистики України, 2014. - 390 с.

3. Механізми реалізації та напрями розвитку галузей молочного скотарства і свинарства України на перспективу до 2015 року : монографія / В. А. Марченко [та ін.] ; Міністерство аграрної політики та продовольства України, Національна академія аграрних наук України, Інститут тваринництва НААН. - Харків-Луганськ : Елтон-2, 2013. - 164 с.


For citations:

Marchenko V.A. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING IN UKRAINE. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2016;51(1):133-141. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)