
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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This article highlights the experimental research results of the comparative analysis of fertility of the cooled and thawed stallions’ sperm taking into account full value of mares sexualcycle. The fertility of sperm estimated through an indicator of percent of pregnant mares from number of uterus, having ovulation in estrous phase of a sexual cycle, made 75.0 % when using diluted cooled, and 66,7 % - when using frozen and thawed sperm. For more objective assessment of efficiency of biotechnology methods for stallions’ sperm use it is offered to consider the full sexual cycle of mares used for artificial insemination.

About the Authors

A. B. Sushko
Institute of animal science of National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv
Russian Federation

А. V. Tkachov
Institute of animal science of National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Sushko A.B., Tkachov А.V. FERTILITY OF COOLED AND FROZEN STALLIONS SPERM TAKING INTO ACCOUNT FULL VALUE OF MARES SEXUAL CYCLE. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2015;50(1):162-167. (In Russ.)

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