
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Results of studies on average daily gains of steers and heifers of specialized meat breeds atbreeding farms in Ukraine show significant differences between breeds, which are due to bothgrowth conditions of animals in different eco-climatic zones, and the intensity of their formation. The optimum periods of increased average daily gain of steers and heifers of meat breeds are determined, as well as for breeds with the highest productivity for the period of rearing. Animal of breeds studied, except for heifers of Aberdeen Angus and Simmental meat breeds, and steers of Ukrainian meat breed, by live weight at the age of 18 months do not qualify for the elite class requirements that can negatively affect their future productivity. Selection of heifers by live weight at the age of 18 months will ensure the highest selection effect only in those breeds, where there are high rates of variability of traits.

About the Authors

L. V. Vishnevsky
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics named after M.V. Zubets of NAAN of Ukraine
Russian Federation

S. L. Voitenko
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics named after M.V. Zubets of NAAN of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Vishnevsky L.V., Voitenko S.L. INTENSIVE GROWTH OF YOUNG CATTLE OF MEAT BREEDS - IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SELECTION TRAIT. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2015;50(1):50-58. (In Russ.)

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