
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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A linear BLUP model with inclusion of DNA markers for evaluation of pigs of Mirgorod Breed and Ukrainian Large White Breed was developed. Genetic analysis showed that the population of Mirgorod breed of pigs is characterized by a significant polymorphism of the estrogen receptor 1 gene (genotype frequencies were as follows: AA - 0,482, AB - 0,321, BB - 0,196). Correlation between phenotypic indicators of families and genetic value estimate was 0,36 for average daily weight gain and 0,67 for backfat. Therefore, for the traits which have lower coefficients of heritability (average daily weight gain) application of linear models with the inclusion of genetic markers for the estimation will give a greater effect than for traits with high heritability (backfat).

About the Authors

P. A. Vashchenko
Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

V. N. Balatsky
Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

K. F. Pochernyaev
Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Vashchenko P.A., Balatsky V.N., Pochernyaev K.F. THE USE OF BLUP MODEL WITH THE INCLUSION OF DNA MARKERS TO EVALUATE PIGS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2015;50(1):43-50. (In Russ.)

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